Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS Update Term 1, Week 2 – Friday 7 February 2025

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

ECS Update Term 1, Week 2 – Friday 7 February 2025

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

It was  great to see many of you at the meet the teacher BBQ on Tuesday afternoon. Starting together as a community is so important. This afternoon we are looking forward to our Tabloid Sports, another chance to be together and enjoy the blessing that community is.


Ngā mhi nui



This newsletter contains information on the following:

  • Important Dates
  • 2025 Parent Handbook
  • Caregivers and Medical Details Update Sheets
  • Nut and Kiwifruit Allergy
  • Student Volunteer Wanted 
  • Scholastic Book Club Orders
  • School App
  • Lunchonline school lunch orders 

Important Dates

Monday 24th February – School Swimming Sports (Year 5-10)

Monday 17th MarchWednesday 19th MarchYear 7 & 8 Camp

Friday 21st March – Teacher Only Day

Friday 11th April – Last day of Term 1

(The School Calendar including 2025 Term dates can be found here)

2025 Parent Information Handbook

Our Parent Information Handbook can be found on the ECS website (linked here).

It has been updated for 2025 and is regularly updated with any changes.

Caregivers and Medical Details Update Sheets

You should have received a form titled Emmanuel Christian School Caregivers and Medical Details Update Sheet (on green paper).

Please could you update and sign these forms and return them to the Office as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Nut and Kiwifruit Allergies

Some of our students have a serious allergy to  Nuts (including Peanuts) and Kiwifruit which can cause anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction, resulting in loss of consciousness and/or breathing and in worst case scenarios, death, if they do not receive medical attention in time.

We are asking for all families to please respect and understand the seriousness of this and ask that Nuts and kiwifruit are not included in lunches or morning tea food. This is to keep everyone safe, especially our young students. Thank you for your support.

Scholastic Book Club Orders

Scholastic Book Club Brochures have gone home with each child.

If you would like to order any of the books, this can be done online on LOOP.  For your first time you will need to register in order to make a Book Club LOOP login. 
We cannot take orders/payment via the Office so please order online. 
Instructions are on the back of the brocure.  You will have approximately two weeks to place your order.
Once orders close, they will be sent to school and will come home with your child. On all orders the school earns 15% in scholastic rewards which benefits our school library.

Emmanuel Christian School does not endorse all material that is available for purchase from Scholastic Book Club.  Please use your discernment when selecting reading material for your child.

Closing date : Friday 21st February 2025, 6pm

If you didn’t receive a brochure we have some at the Office and they are also available online on LOOP.

From the Library

A warm welcome to all children and their families for 2025, and especially those new to the school. 

Each class (from Harakeke to T2) is assigned a class visit slot. It would be helpful if you could note down your child’s day, and help them remember to return their books on or before that day. Please ensure that there is a special place in their rooms to keep their library books safe, and away from younger siblings: a shelf/cupboard, or their library bag! It is good practice to make sure they wash their hands before reading their books and refrain from eating while reading.
Below are the scheduled library times for this year:
Monday: K3, T4 English
Wednesday: K4, K1, Harakeke, Y7 English (fortnightly)
Friday: Y8 English (fortnightly), K2, K5, K6
The library is also open at lunchtimes on those days.
Nicki Davison


 Student volunteer wanted (year 7-10 boy)

You may know that we have an association with the Dove Bookshop, at the far end of the Bishopdale Mall. I regularly purchase good, used books from them to supplement our collection.

For the last two terms, four students volunteered to help shred old, damaged or unwanted paperbacks at the shop. The shredding is done by hand. I need to fill a gap, and am looking for a (Y7-10) boy to pair up with another boy. I already have two girls interested.
This would be from after school for an hour (3:00ish until 4:00pm) once a fortnight on a day that’s mutually convenient for the boys, until further notice (maybe term by term?) 
I think the girls might need to have the Monday slot. The students would be able to take home three books of their choice (each time) for themselves, and a financial donation would be made to the school library. 
Ideally, the students would live in the area, unless parents/caregivers were prepared to wait around for them. 
If this might work for your family, and you are happy for your student to be considered, please let me know asap.
Nicki Davison
ECS Librarian

School App

For those who are unaware, Emmanuel Christian School has a Mobile App for access by the school community. To download the app click this link (or use the QR Code): link

This App allows school:
· Student Absences –  this is our preferred method for notifying absences – it’s easy for you to use.
· Communications – school communications all in one spot at one time and you can be connected at all times.
· Calendar – links to our school calendar.
· Links – to our newsletter and school website.
· Alerts – The app also allows us to send out an Alert really promptly if something is happening at school that you need to know about urgently.
We encourage parents  to download the app today to stay up to date with what is happening in and around the school.

Lunchonline School Lunch Orders

Lunches are available through Lunchonline for delivery on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during term time.  Orders can be placed in advance (so you can set up orders for the whole term in advance).  Orders must be made before 8.30am on the day of delivery.  Please ensure you click ‘submit’.

The Village Bakehouse is our new lunch supplier for Tuesdays.  The first delivery for the Village Bakehouse will be February 11th so have a look at the menu and give them a try. For the first few weeks they have asked any orders for the Village Bakehouse please be placed by 8pm the day before delivery, just while they are getting used to school lunch orders. 
Their menu includes mince pies, sausage rolls, savouries (mini pie), filled rolls and pastries (pain au chocolat, croissant).

The Sushi Factory is our lunch supplier on Wednesdays with a range of lunch options including sushi, rice balls, dumplings, pies, sausage rolls, sandwiches, burgers, muffins and brownies.

Subway is our lunch supplier on Thursdays. The Subway menu includes 6 inch subs, 12 inch subs,  salad bowls, cookies, drinks and fruit squirts.

For more information and to open your account, visit
If you have any queries please give lunchonline a call on the number below.

To view the current menu and prices: select “view school menu” then select Christchurch and Emmanuel Christian School from the dropdown menu.

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