1. A huge thank-you to all of the families who have supported the Scholastic Book Club this year. We have been able to add 52 books, valued at $602.70 to our library! An amazing donation! I would personally like to thank Mrs Kerkhoven, who puts hours into the Book Club each year, advertising, liaising with Scholastic and sorting out the orders once they arrive at school.
2. Thank you for the annual donation from the parent committee. This also allows us to add a good number of books to our collection.
3. Thank you to the student librarians and also the four students who undertook some community service by shredding old, damaged, unwanted, books for the Dove Bookshop each fortnight. This has also resulted in a sizeable donation from the bookshop.
I may be looking for new volunteers next year.
4. As usual, we are grateful for the donations from families. (Some anonymously, so I have not been able to email my thanks to you personally!).
5. Borrowing stats are still high. For the month of November, 1275 books were issued on the 12 days the library was open that month.
6. Christchurch City Libraries has a Summer Reading Challenge (with prizes), and Tūranga has many activities for children over the holidays.
7. Finally, it is not too late to register your students for our Summer Reading over the holidays. I have borrowed a large number of books from the National Library, which will go live on Monday. Hope to see your children next week with their permission slips!!
Happy Holidays – and keep your children reading!!