Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS Update Term 3, Week 1 – Friday 26th July 2024

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

ECS Update Term 3, Week 1 – Friday 26th July 2024


Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the Term 3, Week 1 Newsletter. 

It has been great to see many of you over the course of this week.  Year 1-6 Swimming lessons have started well, it is great to see so many of these students grow in confidence in the water.

As we start Term 3 I am reminded of the Apostle Paul’s closing to his letter to the Ephesians.  It is my prayer that we will all see the reality of this in our lives corporately and individually.

(May) Christ dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:17-19)




This newsletter contains information on the following:

  • Important Dates
  • 2025 Enrolments
  • Year 1-6 Swimming Lessons
  • EPT and Board Parent Information Evenning
  • Year 3-10 Parent Teacher Interviews
  • ICAS Competition
  • World Vision 40hr Challenge
  • Well done to students
  • Scholastic Book Order
  • Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary
  • Second-hand Uniform
  • Entertainment Membership Fundraising

Important Dates

Monday 22 July – Friday 2 August – Year 1-6 Swimming Lessons

Tuesday 30 July – Year 3-10 Parent Teacher Interviews

Monday 12th August – EPT Parent information night

Wednesday 14th August – Year 3/4 Swimming Sports

Thursday 15th August – Strum / Strike / Blow Concert

Friday 23rd August – 2025 Enrolments applications due before this date

Thursday 22nd – Friday 23 August – Year 6 Cycle Safety

Friday 27th September – Last day of Term 3

(The School Calendar and full 2024 Term dates can be found here)

2025 Enrolments

Enrolments for the 2025 academic year are currently open and close on Friday 23rd August 2024.  If you have a child turning 5 next year or know someone else who is looking to apply for their child to start Emmanuel Christian School in 2025 can we please ask that you ensure this process is completed before the cut-off date.

Enrolment information can be found at Enrolment Information

Perspective new parents are encouraged to contact the office and make a time to come and visit the school.

Year 1-6 Swimming Lessons

The first week of Swimming lessons is now complete.  It has been great to see numbers of parents at the pool watching and supporting these lessons.  Reminder that these continue to run during week 2 of the term.  


EPT and Board Parent Information Evenning

On Monday 12th August at 7:30pm the Emmanuel Proprietor Trust (EPT) and School Board are holding an information evenning for parents.  

This is a chance to hear about the role of the Proprietors, what your attendance dues and donation money is used for, and other things ahead of us in the life of the school.

With a full roll and a waiting list this includes an update on our application for a roll increase so we can further serve Christian families in our community.

It is expected this event will be about 1 hour long and it will finish with a light supper.


Year 3-10 Parent Teacher Interviews

Bookings are now open for our Year 3-10 Mid-Year Parent Teacher Interviews.  The second day of these is  Tuesday 30th July.

Bookings can be made at:

School Interview Bookings

or by following the QR code.

These are an important opportunity to touch base with your children(s) teachers so if at all possible we would encourage you to make these a priority.

Bookings will remain open until 5pm on Monday 29th July


ICAS Competition

We are aware that a number of you are interested in the opportunity for your children to sit the ICAS competition examinations which run in August.

In 2024 we will be offering this opportunity in English (14 August), Science (20 August) and Mathematics (28 August) for students in Years 3-10

Please be aware these are additional assessments and are not part of our regular school assessment programme.  They run for around 1 hour for each assessment and are a supervised online assessment. Please note these assessments require a good grasp of English to be able to access the content well.  Further information about these assessments can be found at:

There is a cost associated with these of $21.50 per subject and students must be entered by the 29th July 2024.  Entries and payments are handled directly by the ICAS team.

Entries are made at you will need an access code which is  PWZ431 

If you do choose to enter your child you may also like to purchase preparation material which is available from


World Vision 40hr Challenge

Well done to all those who participated in the 40 hr Challenge this year to help raise funds for Timor Leste.
We are currently less than $100 from our school’s goal of raising $2000!
Please make sure you collect your donations and get them added onto the school team page as soon as possible. Booklets and final donations need to be in by the end of Week 1, Term 3 (this week).


Miss Steele, Mr Dowers, and the World Vision Team


Well done to the following students

In June, Monster Music ran a competition called the “June 500 challenge” where kids were challenged to practice their instrument for 500 minutes over the month of June. It’s a pretty hard thing to do but we had loads of kids that took it head on and completed it!  


Scholastic Book Order

Once per term each student will receive a brochure for the book club to bring home. If you would like to order any of the books, this can be done online on LOOP.  For your first time you will need to register in order to make a Book Club LOOP login. 
We cannot take orders/payment via the Office so please order online. 
Instructions are on the back of the brocure.  You will have approximately two weeks to place your order.
Once orders close, they will be sent to school and will come home with your child. On all orders the school earns 15% in scholastic rewards which benefits our school library.

Emmanuel Christian School does not endorse all material that is available for purchase from Scholastic Book Club.  Please use your discernment when selecting reading material for your child.

Closing date : Friday 9th August

If you didn’t receive a brochure we have some at the Office and they are also available online on LOOP.

Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary 

Kia Ora koutou Middleton Grange Alumni,
You are invited to register for the Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary Celebration which will take place from Friday 18 – Saturday 19 October 2024 in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The festivities will include school tours, student performances, an official welcome evening, year group coffee catch ups, alumni vs current students/staff sporting games, an Evening Conversazione at the Christchurch Art Gallery, and more. 
We are looking forward to celebrating and reconnecting with you all at this special event!
Please click on the link below or scan the QR Code to register. 

Second-hand Uniform 

We have some Second-hand uniform we’d like to give away. 
Please click on the link below for the list of what we have available.
Everything is free. 
Please collect from the Office.


Entertainment Membership Fundraiser

Purchase a Single City Entertainment Membership today and not only will 20% of your purchase go back towards raising funds for our school, but you’ll also get a FREE upgrade to a Multi City Membership and a $30 Woolworths eGift card with your purchase. How good is that?! The Multi City Memberships sell for $120, but you’ll get yours for $70, along with a $30 gift card. It’s a win win! Entertainment Memberships are jam packed with great offers from some of the areas bests restaurants, cafes, takeaways, activities and more. 

This offer is only valid until 1.59pm NZST Tuesday 30th July.
Order yours today:

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