Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS – Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and House Haka Competition

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and House Haka Competition

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

This week as a country we share together in Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori language week a chance to celebrate this fantastic official language of our country.

The Psalmist in Psalm 86: 8-10 reminds us:

Kāhore he rite mōu, e te Ariki, i roto i ngā atua: kāhore hoki he rite mō āu mahi. Ka haere mai ngā iwi katoa i hangā e koe, ā ka koropiko ki tōu aroaro, e te Ariki; ka whakakorōria hoki i tōu ingoa. He nui hoki koe, e mahi ana i ngā mea whakamīharo: ko koe anake te Atua.

Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.
All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.

As part of this week on Friday afternoon we will hold our annual House Haka competition.  This will occur in the area outside the junior classrooms starting at 1:30pm.  Parents are very welcome and encouraged to come and share in this afternoon with us.

As part of this day students may attend school dressed in House Colours on Friday.

Ngā mihi nui

ECS Team

What follows is the words and translation of our School Haka, as they perform this on Friday student are proclaiming that God is the most high God.


Taringa whakarongo, Kia rite, Kia mau


Ringaringa whakawhiti waewae takahia

Hi ha hi ha

E ngā rangatahi no hea mai tātou?

Te Kura Karaitiana Emanuera

He kura i whai ake te tikanga

o Io te Runga Rawe e

He aha ō wawata?

Ko te Hiringa Ahua Karaiti,

Ko te Manaaki, me te Mātauranga,

Ka whakawhanake tō wairua 

Hei haere ki ta ngā tamariki 

o te marama

Hi aue 


Ka haere tātou ki te ao katoa

Kauhau te rongopai, 

ao noa po noa 

au au aue ha


Leader – Ka haere tātou ki te ao katoa

Kauhau te rongopai, 

ao noa po noa 

au au aue ha 


I a ha ha

Whawhaitia te whawhai pai

o te whakapono 

Hi Hi Ha

Listen up, get ready, be alert                                           


Hi Ha hi ha

Oh young people where are you from?

Emmanuel Christian School 

A school that follows after the ways of the Most High God


What are your aspirations?

Excellence, Christ like character

Service, and Wisdom,

To grow the spirit 

So we can walk as children of the light


Let us go into all of the world

Preach the gospel and bless people day in, day out 



Let us go into all of the world

Preach the gospel and bless people day in, day out 


Fight the good fight of faith

Hi Hi Ha





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