Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS Update Term 3, Week 2 – Friday 2 August 2024

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

ECS Update Term 3, Week 2 – Friday 2nd August 2024


Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the Term 3, Week 2 Newsletter. 

Thank you for all of your support as our Year 1-6 students have attended their swimming lessons over the last two weeks.  It has been great to see them increase in confidence over this time.  A real focus of these lessons is water safety with lots of experiences involving boats, life jackets, and other safety equipment being part of the programme.



This newsletter contains information on the following:

  • Important Dates
  • 2025 Enrolments
  • EPT and Board Parent Information Evening
  • Library Van Visit
  • Scholastic Book Orders
  • Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary
  • Culture Day
  • The Lion King Production
  • Lost Property

Important Dates

Monday 12th August – EPT Parent information night

Wednesday 14th August – Year 3/4 Swimming Sports

Thursday 15th August – Strum / Strike / Blow Concert

Friday 23rd August – 2025 Enrolments applications due before this date

Thursday 22nd – Friday 23 August – Year 6 Cycle Safety

Thursday 5th September – Cultural Day

Friday 27th September – Last day of Term 3

(The School Calendar and full 2024 Term dates can be found here)


2025 Enrolments

Enrolments for the 2025 academic year are currently open and close on Friday 23rd August 2024.  If you have a child turning 5 next year or know someone else who is looking to apply for their child to start Emmanuel Christian School in 2025 can we please ask that you ensure this process is completed before the cut-off date.

Enrolment information can be found at Enrolment Information

Perspective new parents are encouraged to contact the office and make a time to come and visit the school.


EPT and Board Parent Information Evenning

On Monday 12th August at 7:30pm the Emmanuel Proprietor Trust (EPT) and School Board are holding an information evenning for parents.  

This is a chance to hear about the role of the Proprietors, what your attendance dues and donation money is used for, and other things ahead of us in the life of the school.

With a full roll and a waiting list this includes an update on our application for a roll increase so we can further serve Christian families in our community.

It is expected this event will be about 1 hour long and it will finish with a light supper.


Library Van Visit

The countdown has begun! The Christchurch City Libraries Library van is making a return visit on Wednesday 21st August from 8am until 1:30pm.
If you would like me to organise a library card for any of your children, please print and fill out the PDF attached. Please note, a parent signature is required on the second side. 
Hard copies of the form will also be available from the office or the library. 
Please note, children will not be able to borrow books on that day, without a library card.
The lovely librarian, Wendy, has asked if there are any requests from students, which she will try and fulfil. These may be emailed through to me, or your child could fill out a form at our school library. I shall collate these, and get them to Wendy asap.
So remember: 19 days to go!
Need a library card? – organise it now!
Request a book!
See you there
Nicki Davison

Scholastic Book Order

Once per term each student will receive a brochure for the book club to bring home. If you would like to order any of the books, this can be done online on LOOP.  For your first time you will need to register in order to make a Book Club LOOP login. 
We cannot take orders/payment via the Office so please order online. 
Instructions are on the back of the brocure.  You will have approximately two weeks to place your order.
Once orders close, they will be sent to school and will come home with your child. On all orders the school earns 15% in scholastic rewards which benefits our school library.

Emmanuel Christian School does not endorse all material that is available for purchase from Scholastic Book Club.  Please use your discernment when selecting reading material for your child.

Closing date : Friday 9th August

If you didn’t receive a brochure we have some at the Office and they are also available online on LOOP.


Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary 

Kia Ora koutou Middleton Grange Alumni,
You are invited to register for the Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary Celebration which will take place from Friday 18 – Saturday 19 October 2024 in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The festivities will include school tours, student performances, an official welcome evening, year group coffee catch ups, alumni vs current students/staff sporting games, an Evening Conversazione at the Christchurch Art Gallery, and more. 
We are looking forward to celebrating and reconnecting with you all at this special event!
Please click on the link below or scan the QR Code to register. 

Cultural Day

Thursday of week 7 (5th September) is our school’s cultural day.
It is a great day for us to celebrate our amazingly diverse school community.
Cultural Day will begin with a parade in the morning and students are encouraged to come to school dressed in traditional clothes or something that reflects the culture they relate to. If your child(ren) would prefer not to dress up, then they will come in their school uniform.
In the case that the traditional clothing is special, students are able to change out of them and back into their school uniforms following the parade.
As part of the celebrations, we plan to set up the hall with various stalls representing some of the cultures in our school.  This will run in the afternoon from 1:00pm until 3:00pm.
For this, we need your support. If you are willing to help with the event, whether it is providing materials, ideas, or coming to run a stall, please fill in the form below and return to your child’s classroom teacher or drop it off at the office by Friday 2nd August.
All who are able to help will then have a chance to meet together to discuss plans, which will be happening on Monday 5 August at 2:50 p.m. in K4 classroom.

If you have any questions about Cultural Day, please feel free to contact us.

Ngā mihi Bronwyn Van Mechgelen & Christine Ng (Liu)


The Lion King Production

This term Middleton Grange has their Middle School Production – The Lion King Jr.  We would like to offer the families of the CEN schools a special discount for the show.

Tickets are available at and CEN families can get a 10% discount for the opening night (29th August) and the second show (30th August) using the code – CEN


Lost Property

There is a lot of lost property at the moment including polar fleeces, puffer jackets and various other items of clothing.  If you are missing anything please check the lost property boxes, located in the Office hallway outside K5 and the Middle School foyer.  

At the end of each term any items left in the Lost Property are discarded or donated.  

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