Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS Update Term 2, Week 9 – Thursday 27th June 2024

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

ECS Update Term 2, Week 9 – Thursday 27th June 2024

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the Term 2, Week 9 Newsletter. 

Over this week we have been able to share in a number of different activities related to Matariki.  This is a fantastic opportunity to express gratitude for God’s faithfulness to us as a community.  We were reminded again of the wonder of God’s creation, and more importantly reminded of the Lord who created it all.

As the Psalmist reminds us in Psalm 19:1:

Ki te tino kaiwhakatangi. He himene na Rawiri. E korerotia ana e nga rangi te kororia o te Atua; a e whakaaturia ana e te kikorangi te mahi a ona ringa.’

‘The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.’

As we enjoy the public holiday tomorrow, can I encourage you to take time to reflect and celebrate who God is.  He really is due all our praise and worship.

Thank you to the parents who gave their time this week to help with our Matariki celebrations.  Special thank you to the parents who helped prepare the Hāngi, and support the different house activities yesterday.

The winners of the $10 Lunchonline vouchers are Amelia Francis, Kiarn Harnett, Benjamin Solomons and Kimberly Cheng.  Please collect your vouchers from the Office.



This newsletter contains information on the following:

  • Important Dates
  • Matariki Public Holiday
  • World Vision 40hr Challenge
  • Pyjama non-Uniform Day
  • 2024 Aoraki Year 9 Readers’ Cup Competition
  • Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary

Important Dates

Friday 28th June – Matariki

Tuesday 2nd July – Pyjama non-Uniform Day

Friday 5th July – Last day of Term 2

Monday 22nd July – First day of Term 3

Monday 22 July – Friday 2 August – Year 1-6 Swimming Lessons

Thursday 25th July – Year 3-10 Parent Teacher Interviews

Tuesday 30 July – Year 3-10 Parent Teacher Interviews

(The School Calendar and full 2024 Term dates can be found here)

Matariki Public Holiday

Please note that due to the Matariki Public Holiday, school will be closed for instruction tomorrow.

World Vision 40hr Challenge

“It is nearing that time of year that World Vision runs their 40hr Challenge. 

The 40 hour challenge is where you choose a challenge to complete over the weekend of the 21st-23rd June and ask friends, family, and your community to sponsor you to complete it.

Possible challenges include:

  • 40 hrs no technology
  • 40 hrs no furniture
  • 40 hrs creating no waste/rubbish
  • 40 acts of kindness in 40 hrs

(Younger students can still get involved by completing a 20hr challenge if 40hrs is too long)

This year all funds raised will go towards Timor Leste and helping to set up their community with the tools and skills required for farming and growing their own food, along with restoring their lost forests.

If your child would like to sign up and register use the link below to join the ECS Team page.


Miss Steele, Mr Dowers, and the World Vision Team

Pyjama non-Uniform Day

Kia ora Parents/Caregivers,

On Tuesday 2 July 2024, we will be having a Pyjama non-uniform day to raise money for our school’s sponsored child – Happy Nelson. Happy lives in the Chigodi Community in Malawi, is 14 years old, and is in grade 6 at his school. This non-uniform day will be to raise money for Happy and his community, to help improve their school and home conditions. Students are not required to wear Pyjamas but we would encourage it. Each student must bring a gold coin (or more) donation and give it to their teachers (this won’t be necessary if they don’t come in mufti).

Ngā mihi

The ECS World Vision team

2024 Aoraki Year 9 Readers’ Cup Competition

Our school team of Anna Francis, Lily Mansour, Abby Reid and Faith Seow did us
proud at the Canterbury-wide competition held at Tūranga this week. The team had to read six books in preparation for the event, and then work together to answer questions on each book – at around 30 seconds per question!
I was extremely proud of the students; they were great ambassadors for Emmanuel
Christian School, and while we did not get on to the podium, it was a memorable
experience, I am sure!
Thank you, too, to the parents and siblings who supported us.

Nicki Davison

Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary 

Kia Ora koutou Middleton Grange Alumni,
You are invited to register for the Middleton Grange School 60th Anniversary Celebration which will take place from Friday 18 – Saturday 19 October 2024 in Christchurch, New Zealand.
The festivities will include school tours, student performances, an official welcome evening, year group coffee catch ups, alumni vs current students/staff sporting games, an Evening Conversazione at the Christchurch Art Gallery, and more. 
We are looking forward to celebrating and reconnecting with you all at this special event!
Please click on the link below or scan the QR Code to register. 
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