Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS Update Term 2, Week 6 – Friday 7th June 2024

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

ECS Update Term 2, Week 6 – Friday 7th June 2024

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the Term 2, Week 6 Newsletter.



This newsletter contains information on the following:

  • Important Dates
  • Papanui Club Carpark – safety notice
  • School Photo Day
  • School App
  • World Vision 40hr Challenge
  • Sāmoan Art Competition

Important Dates

Wednesday 12th June – School Photo Day

Friday 28th June – Matariki

Friday 5th July – Last day of Term 2

(The School Calendar and full 2024 Term dates can be found here)

Papanui Club Carpark – Safety Notice

Gates: As part of helping keep all our students safe onsite it is important that we shutt gates after use.  This especially includes the gate from the Papanui Club carpark.  We are aware the catch is higher than a number of students can reach.  If you could support your child by letting them through this gate and closing it after use that would be very much appreciated.

Over the last few weeks the Papanui Club have observed some patterns with the use of their carpark they have asked us to bring to your attention.  They continue to be very happy for this space to be used, however, do ask that we follow the following guidelines.

1) While drivers should be travelling slowly and looking carefully, it is also critical that any pedestrians take care, look before they cross over the drive into the parking area and make use of the pedestrain crossing.

2) If you are using this area to drop off or pick up your children please do not stop on the drive area, it is important that cars move into marked carparks prior to letting passengers out.  Please do not just stop on the side of the drive to let students out of the car.

Thank you

School Photo Day

School photos will take place on Wednesday 12th June.  Each student will be photographed individually and with their class and some sporting groups.

Please ensure your child comes in correct and tidy uniform for their photos.

If you would like a group sibling photo to be taken (this can include younger siblings who do not yet attend ECS) please fill in the sibling photo form and return to the Office.  Sibling group photos will be taken before school starting at 8:15am in the hall. A paper notice has been sent home with your child/ren and we have also attached this below.  Please read this carefully for information on how the photo ordering system works.

School App 

Our School App is an easy place to get updates and share information with regards to absences etc.  It includes:

– Absence reporting

– School Calendar

– Newsletters

– Updates on school events, cancellations / postponments

-Important notifications

The KiwiSchools Connect App can be downloaded here.

World Vision 40hr Challenge

“It is nearing that time of year that World Vision runs their 40hr Challenge. 

The 40 hour challenge is where you choose a challenge to complete over the weekend of the 21st-23rd June and ask friends, family, and your community to sponsor you to complete it.

Possible challenges include:

  • 40 hrs no technology
  • 40 hrs no furniture
  • 40 hrs creating no waste/rubbish
  • 40 acts of kindness in 40 hrs

(Younger students can still get involved by completing a 20hr challenge if 40hrs is too long)

This year all funds raised will go towards Timor Leste and helping to set up their community with the tools and skills required for farming and growing their own food, along with restoring their lost forests.

If your child would like to sign up and register use the link below to join the ECS Team page.


Miss Steele, Mr Dowers, and the World Vision Team


Sāmoan Art Competition 

We are excited to announce the winners for the Sāmoan art competition. Congratulations to all finalists and winners.
Kudos to the judges, who had had tough decisions to make with so many outstanding entries! And thank you for making the ula lole (lolly necklace/crown) for our winners!

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