Covid Update September 12 2022

Kia Ora As you are likely aware the government has announced that at midnight tonight we are moving to a New long-term strategy for managing COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand. This

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Announcement : 

ECS Update Term 2, Week 3 – Friday 17 May 2024

Emmanuel Christian
School Newsletter
Kia rite tā koutou haere ki tā ngā tamariki o te mārama – Walk as children of light

ECS Update Term 2, Week 3 – Friday 17 May 2024

Kia ora Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to the Term 2, Week 3 Newsletter.



This newsletter contains information on the following:

  • Important Dates
  • Teacher Only Day – 31st May
  • Medication at school
  • Open Home Foundation 
  • Scholastic Book Orders – last day to order

Important Dates

Friday 31st May – Teacher Only Day

Monday 3rd June – King’s Birthday 

Wednesday 12th June – School Photos

Friday 28th June – Matariki

Friday 5th July – Last day of Term 2

(The School Calendar and full 2024 Term dates can be found here)

Teacher Only Day – 31st May

We would just like to remind you that School will be closed on Friday 31st May for a Teacher Only Day.  With King’s Birthday being recognised on Monday 3rd June classes will resume on Tuesday 4th June.

Medication at school

When a child is enrolled, parents are asked to provide information on any medication that the student may be required to take. The school should be advised through the office if there is a change or any new medication required.

If your child may have need of medication at school we ask that you bring this to the Office in a clear plastic container and we will keep this in our sickbay to have on hand for when your child needs it.  

The type of medications we are referring to are:  asthma inhaler (and spacer), allergy medication (for hayfever or other allergies), epi-pen, skin cream (for skin allergy/rash) etc.  

If you already keep spare medication at school please pop in to the Office every quarter to check that the medication has not expired and that the recommended dosage on the label is still correct for your child’s weight (and that this is written on the label).  Keeping medications up to date is the parent’s responsibility.

If your child has a short-term health concern and requires prescription medicine (such as antibiotics) to be administered while they are at school please send this to the Office in a labeled container or plastic bag along with a medicine cup or spoon.

Open Home Foundation needs Christian foster families

Open Home Foundation is a Christian community response and our mission is to provide children and young people with a depth of care filled with love/support/security from a delegated team to each child as well as support/training for Foster Parents.  
We have a continuous need for Christian Foster Parents for supporting our children in care this can be in several ways with respite care in weekends, school holidays, short term and long-term care, emergency care and transitional care for young adults.
Foster care is missionary work and can be both a rewarding and challenging journey, opening yourhome and heart to make a difference in a young child/person’s life.
Please see the link below for more information including a video which gives a bit more insight into who we are and what we do. 

We look forward to hearing from you.

Scholastic Book Orders – last day to order

Once per term each student will receive a brochure for the book club to bring home.
If you would like to order any of the books, this can be done online on LOOP. 
For your first time you will need to register in order to make a Book Club LOOP login. 
We cannot take orders/payment via the Office so please order online. 
Instructions are on the back of the brocure.  You will have approximately two weeks to place your order.
Once orders close, they will be sent to school and will come home with your child. On all orders the school earns 15% in scholastic rewards which benefits our school library.

Emmanuel Christian School does not endorse all material that is available for purchase from Scholastic Book Club.  Please use your discernment when selecting reading material for your child.

Closing date : Friday 17th May

If you didn’t receive a brochure we have some at the Office and they are also available online on LOOP.

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