Another way you can serve our school community is to join our fundraising group.
We are a small group and are keen for the group to grow and for someone to take over the main organising from Michelle Posthuma who has been running this group for many years.
We try to aim for 1-2 sausage sizzles per term and 2 bigger fundraisers in the year (eg. Dr Bugs Popcorn, Baking Paper etc) but due to the lack of helpers we haven’t been able to run these as often as we would like. The Book Fair is another fundraiser we haven’t been able to run due to lack of helpers although this is always a fantastic way to get more books for the library and classrooms.
Funds raised through our fundraising group over the past few years have gone toward: purchasing new library books, supporting Cultural Day, EPro-8 challenge equipment, new musical instruments, refurbishing our school piano, sports team uniforms, sports equipment, kapahaka uniforms, art supplies, picnic tables, science lab equipment and boardgames for classrooms.
Most recently we raised $900 through the Food Wrap fundraiser. This is going toward sport team uniforms.
We also raised $350 through the Sausage Sizzle this week and will update you once we know what these funds will go toward.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in please speak to Michelle Posthuma or Louise at the Office.