Hi all, we had ERO visiting the school, checking documentation, meeting with the Senior management team and meeting with students.
Te Ara Huarau is the new evaluation approach that the Education Review Office (ERO) is using in our school.
This a developmental approach to evaluation where ERO and our school work together over time rather than one off reviews that happened previously.
Te Ara Huarau is used in most English-medium state and state-integrated schools.
ERO maintains a regular review programme to evaluate and report on the education and care of young people in the schools.
Our school worked alongside ERO to write our Profile Report. This type of report will only happen once as part of our initial engagement with Te Ara Huarau.
The profile report reflects our strategic goals and a shared evaluation focus one or more areas that are important to us as we work together to improve outcomes for all our learners.
ERO, like us, have a strong focus on equity and excellence. Future reporting will show our progress and achievement towards meeting the goals we have set.
A Board Assurance Report that shows how we are meeting regulatory and legislative Requirements has also been published.
Emmanuel Christian School’s strategic priorities for improving outcomes for learners are:
- students will make progress in their learning and develop skills for life in a Christ centred culturally inclusive learning culture
- high expectations and aspirations for every student
- excellence in education for all students by ensuring barrier free access towards gaining foundation skills in language, literacy and numeracy.
The school expects to see:
- students well supported to apply concepts of wellbeing within their Christian faith, including interactions with others and their own sense of self esteem
- teachers integrating new understandings of culturally responsive practices to better support students in their learning
- increased levels of progress and achievement for all students across the school.
You can find the rest of this Profile Report now published on ERO’s website.
As a board we take this opportunity to thank our awesome team and their faithful recognised hard work.
We thank the Lord for his provision, our teaching team and leadership and His obvious hand in this resulting published report.
John van Ameyde on behalf of the Board of Trustees